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DRAFT: Computer Information Systems (CIS) Learning Guides

PA Department of Education

Task Number

Computer Information Systems Task and Purpose
Performance Objective and Learning Activity (CIP 11.0201)

CIS/CS Prerequisite Tasks and Safety Factors
Resources and Suggested Hyperlinks


TASK: Create, modify, compile, and execute computer algorithms from an open source

Prerequisite Tasks: Completed more than 270 hours of study within the computer science discipline relating to this major task. Student individually documented evidence of prior research including interdisciplinary research projects. Successfully completed all teacher assignments and projects including the benchmark tasks from 2101 to 2145 inclusive. Additional tasks will apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Final Draft): Given an introduction to computer programming and several code examples, the student will be able to create, modify, compile, and execute computer algorithms from an open source with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that create, modify, compile, and execute computer algorithms from an open source.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2101TASK: Recall every line of code within the source algorithm
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science discipline in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task number: 2100. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information technology discipline. Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Final Draft): Given an introduction and a fundamental Hello-World algorithm, the student will be able to recall every line of code within the source algorithm with one hundred percent (100%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
  3. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that recall every line of code within the source algorithm.
  4. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
2102TASK: Label and define major sections of an algorithm
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science discipline in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 and 2101. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information technology discipline. Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Final Draft): Given an introduction and a functional algorithm, the student will be able to label and define major sections of an algorithm with one hundred percent (100%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
  3. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that label and define major sections of an algorithm.
  4. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
2103TASK: Underline or highlight built-in commands/functions
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2102 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Final Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration and a functional algorithm, the student will be able to underline or highlight built-in commands/functions with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that underline or highlight built-in commands/functions.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2104TASK: Underline or highlight literals
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science discipline in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2103 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information technology discipline. Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Final Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration and a functional algorithm, the student will be able to underline or highlight literals with one hundred percent (100%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
  3. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that underline or highlight literals.
  4. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
2105TASK: Underline or highlight primitive variables
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science discipline in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2104 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information technology discipline. Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Final Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration and a functional algorithm, the student will be able to underline or highlight primitive variables with one hundred percent (100%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
  3. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that underline or highlight primitive variables.
  4. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
2106TASK: Underline or highlight data structures when defined
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2105 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Final Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration and a functional algorithm, the student will be able to underline or highlight data structures when defined with eighty-five percent (85%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that underline or highlight data structures when defined.
  2. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  3. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
  4. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
2107TASK: Underline or highlight value parameters
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2106 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Final Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration and an algorithm with programmer-defined functions or objects, the student will be able to underline or highlight value parameters with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that underline or highlight value parameters.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2108TASK: Underline or highlight reference parameters
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2107 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Final Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration and an algorithm with programmer-defined functions or objects, the student will be able to underline or highlight reference parameters with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that underline or highlight reference parameters.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2109TASK: Underline or highlight function prototypes
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2108 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Final Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration and an algorithm with programmer-defined functions or objects, the student will be able to underline or highlight function prototypes with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that underline or highlight function prototypes.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2110TASK: Locate all syntax errors
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed more than five (5) hours of study within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2109 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Final Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration and an algorithm with grammar errors, the student will be able to locate all syntax errors with eighty-five percent (85%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that locate all syntax errors.
  2. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  3. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
  4. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
2111TASK: Discuss various side-effects that may occur
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science discipline in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2110 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information technology discipline. Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Final Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration and an algorithm with known semantic errors, the student will be able to discuss various side-effects that may occur with one hundred percent (100%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
  3. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that discuss various side-effects that may occur.
  4. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
2112TASK: Restate major sections of an algorithm
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2111 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Final Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration and a functional algorithm, the student will be able to restate major sections of an algorithm with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that restate major sections of an algorithm.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2113TASK: Explain built-in commands/functions
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2112 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Final Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration and a functional algorithm, the student will be able to explain built-in commands/functions with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that explain built-in commands/functions.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2114TASK: Describe literals
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science discipline in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2113 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information technology discipline. Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Final Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration and a functional algorithm, the student will be able to describe literals with one hundred percent (100%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
  3. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that describe literals.
  4. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
2115TASK: Recognize primitive variables
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science discipline in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2114 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information technology discipline. Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Final Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration and a functional algorithm, the student will be able to recognize primitive variables with one hundred percent (100%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
  3. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that recognize primitive variables.
  4. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
2116TASK: Review data structures when defined
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2115 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Final Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration and a functional algorithm, the student will be able to review data structures when defined with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that review data structures when defined.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2117TASK: Identify value parameters
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2116 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Final Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration and an algorithm with programmer-defined functions or objects, the student will be able to identify value parameters with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that identify value parameters.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2118TASK: Identify reference parameters
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2117 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Final Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration and an algorithm with programmer-defined functions or objects, the student will be able to identify reference parameters with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that identify reference parameters.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2119TASK: Describe function prototypes
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2118 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Final Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration and an algorithm with programmer-defined functions or objects, the student will be able to describe function prototypes with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that describe function prototypes.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2120TASK: Practice correcting syntax errors
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed more than five (5) hours of study within the computer science discipline in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2119 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information technology discipline. Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Final Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration and an algorithm with grammar errors, the student will be able to practice correcting syntax errors with one hundred percent (100%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
  3. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that practice correcting syntax errors.
  4. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
2121TASK: Interpret various side-effects
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2120 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Final Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration and an algorithm with known semantic errors, the student will be able to interpret various side-effects with eighty-five percent (85%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that interpret various side-effects.
  2. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  3. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
  4. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
2122TASK: Apply major sections of an algorithm
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2121 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Final Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration and a functional algorithm, the student will be able to apply major sections of an algorithm with eighty-five percent (85%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that apply major sections of an algorithm.
  2. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  3. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
  4. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
2123TASK: Use built-in commands/functions
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2122 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Final Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration and a functional algorithm, the student will be able to use built-in commands/functions with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that use built-in commands/functions.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2124TASK: Employ literals
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2123 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Final Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration and a functional algorithm, the student will be able to employ literals with eighty-five percent (85%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that employ literals.
  2. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  3. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
  4. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
2125TASK: Assign primitive variables a literal value
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2124 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Final Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration and a functional algorithm, the student will be able to assign primitive variables a literal value with eighty-five percent (85%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that assign primitive variables a literal value.
  2. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  3. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
  4. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
2126TASK: Illustrate data structures as defined
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2125 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Final Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration and a functional algorithm, the student will be able to illustrate data structures as defined with eighty-five percent (85%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that illustrate data structures as defined.
  2. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  3. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
  4. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
2127TASK: Use value parameters
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2126 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Final Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration and an algorithm with programmer-defined functions or objects, the student will be able to use value parameters with eighty-five percent (85%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that use value parameters.
  2. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  3. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
  4. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
2128TASK: Use reference parameters
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2127 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Final Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration and an algorithm with programmer-defined functions or objects, the student will be able to use reference parameters with eighty-five percent (85%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that use reference parameters.
  2. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  3. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
  4. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
2129TASK: Apply function prototypes
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2128 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Final Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration and an algorithm with programmer-defined functions or objects, the student will be able to apply function prototypes with eighty-five percent (85%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that apply function prototypes.
  2. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  3. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
  4. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
2130TASK: Correct all syntax errors
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed more than five (5) hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2129 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Final Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration and an algorithm with grammar errors, the student will be able to correct all syntax errors with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that correct all syntax errors.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2131TASK: Question various side-effects
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science discipline in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2130 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information technology discipline. Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Final Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration and an algorithm with known semantic errors, the student will be able to question various side-effects with one hundred percent (100%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
  3. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that question various side-effects.
  4. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
2132TASK: Compare major sections of an algorithm
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2131 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Final Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration and a functional algorithm, the student will be able to compare major sections of an algorithm with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that compare major sections of an algorithm.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2133TASK: Criticize built-in commands/functions
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2132 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Final Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration and a functional algorithm, the student will be able to criticize built-in commands/functions with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that criticize built-in commands/functions.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2134TASK: Appraise and minimize the use literals
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2133 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Final Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration and a functional algorithm, the student will be able to appraise and minimize the use literals with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that appraise and minimize the use literals.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2135TASK: Experiment with variable assignments
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2134 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Final Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration and a functional algorithm, the student will be able to experiment with variable assignments with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that experiment with variable assignments.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2136TASK: Distinguish data structures from simple variables
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2135 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Final Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration and a functional algorithm, the student will be able to distinguish data structures from simple variables with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that distinguish data structures from simple variables.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2137TASK: Analyze value parameters
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2136 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Final Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration and an algorithm with programmer-defined functions or objects, the student will be able to analyze value parameters with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that analyze value parameters.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2138TASK: Analyze reference parameters
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2137 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Final Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration and an algorithm with programmer-defined functions or objects, the student will be able to analyze reference parameters with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that analyze reference parameters.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2139TASK: Analyze function prototypes and various compiler directives
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2138 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Final Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration and an algorithm with programmer-defined functions or objects, the student will be able to analyze function prototypes and various compiler directives with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that analyze function prototypes and various compiler directives.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2140TASK: Review and illustrate the presented model
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed more than five (5) hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2139 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Final Draft): Given an instructor defined programming project(s) with an algorithmic solution, the student will be able to Review and illustrate the presented model with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that Review and illustrate the presented model.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2141TASK: Trace, question, and inspect the algorithm(s)
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science discipline in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2140 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information technology discipline. Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Final Draft): Given an instructor defined programming project(s) with an algorithmic solution, the student will be able to trace, question, and inspect the algorithm(s) with one hundred percent (100%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
  3. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that trace, question, and inspect the algorithm(s).
  4. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
2142TASK: Analyze and propose improvements for the project
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2141 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Final Draft): Given an instructor defined programming project(s) with an algorithmic solution, the student will be able to analyze and propose improvements for the project with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that analyze and propose improvements for the project.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2143TASK: Examine and develop a complete software model
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2142 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Final Draft): Given an instructor defined programming project(s) and a related algorithm skeleton(s), the student will be able to examine and develop a complete software model with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that examine and develop a complete software model.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2144TASK: Create an accurate and functional software model
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2143 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Final Draft): Given an instructor defined programming project(s) and a related algorithm skeleton(s), the student will be able to create an accurate and functional software model with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that create an accurate and functional software model.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2145TASK: Create an accurate and functional software model
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2144 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Final Draft): Given an instructor defined programming project(s), the student will be able to create an accurate and functional software model with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that create an accurate and functional software model.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2149TASK: Demonstrate correct use of terminology in program comments
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2148 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a student presentation and research evidence of a major programming project, the student will be able to demonstrate correct use of terminology in program comments with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that demonstrate correct use of terminology in program comments.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2150TASK: Question the representation of text and numbers (literals) within an algorithm
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed more than five (5) hours of study within the computer science discipline in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2149 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information technology discipline. Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a student presentation and research evidence of a major programming project, the student will be able to question the representation of text and numbers (literals) within an algorithm with one hundred percent (100%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
  3. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that question the representation of text and numbers (literals) within an algorithm.
  4. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
2151TASK: Discuss data types
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2150 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a student presentation and research evidence of a major programming project, the student will be able to discuss data types with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that discuss data types.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2152TASK: Illustrate the execution of a program
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2151 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a student presentation and research evidence of a major programming project, the student will be able to illustrate the execution of a program with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that illustrate the execution of a program.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2153TASK: Discuss various programming design techniques and styles
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2152 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a student presentation and research evidence of a major programming project, the student will be able to discuss various programming design techniques and styles with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that discuss various programming design techniques and styles.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2154TASK: Describe programming statements for output and input
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science discipline in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2153 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information technology discipline. Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a student presentation and research evidence of a major programming project, the student will be able to describe programming statements for output and input with one hundred percent (100%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
  3. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that describe programming statements for output and input.
  4. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
2155TASK: Restate the process for declaring constants and variables
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2154 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a student presentation and research evidence of a major programming project, the student will be able to restate the process for declaring constants and variables with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that restate the process for declaring constants and variables.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2156TASK: Explain the scope of variables and subroutines
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2155 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a student presentation and research evidence of a major programming project, the student will be able to explain the scope of variables and subroutines with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that explain the scope of variables and subroutines.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2157TASK: Differentiate between structured programming and object-oriented programming
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2156 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a student presentation and research evidence of a major programming project, the student will be able to differentiate between structured programming and object-oriented programming with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that differentiate between structured programming and object-oriented programming.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2158TASK: Illustrate the use of any data structure within their project
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2157 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a student presentation and research evidence of a major programming project, the student will be able to illustrate the use of any data structure within their project with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that illustrate the use of any data structure within their project.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2159TASK: Describe the program model and results
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2158 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a student presentation and research evidence of a major programming project, the student will be able to describe the program model and results with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that describe the program model and results.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2160TASK: Recognize artificial intelligence (hereby abbreviated as AI)
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed more than five (5) hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2159 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given an introduction to related models of intelligent behavior, the student will be able to recognize artificial intelligence (hereby abbreviated as AI) with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that recognize artificial intelligence (hereby abbreviated as AI).
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2161TASK: Identify natural languages
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2160 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given an introduction to related models of intelligent behavior, the student will be able to identify natural languages with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that identify natural languages.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2162TASK: Review knowledge-based systems
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2161 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given an introduction to related models of intelligent behavior, the student will be able to review knowledge-based systems with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that review knowledge-based systems.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2163TASK: Explain machine learning
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2162 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given an introduction to related models of intelligent behavior, the student will be able to explain machine learning with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that explain machine learning.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2164TASK: Describe AI in game playing and searching
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2163 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given an introduction to related models of intelligent behavior, the student will be able to describe AI in game playing and searching with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that describe AI in game playing and searching.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2165TASK: Describe AI in nature and robotics
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2164 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given an introduction to related models of intelligent behavior, the student will be able to describe AI in nature and robotics with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that describe AI in nature and robotics.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2166TASK: Describe AI in vision and speech
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2165 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given an introduction to related models of intelligent behavior, the student will be able to describe AI in vision and speech with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that describe AI in vision and speech.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2167TASK: Dramatize the myth(s) of intelligent behavior
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2166 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given an introduction to related models of intelligent behavior, the student will be able to dramatize the myth(s) of intelligent behavior with eighty-five percent (85%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that dramatize the myth(s) of intelligent behavior.
  2. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  3. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
  4. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
2170TASK: Describe the relationship of computers within society
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed more than five (5) hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2169 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a current technology article relating to the limits of computing, the student will be able to describe the relationship of computers within society with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that describe the relationship of computers within society.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2171TASK: Calculate the efficiency of an algorithm
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science discipline in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2170 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information technology discipline. Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a current technology article relating to the limits of computing, the student will be able to calculate the efficiency of an algorithm with one hundred percent (100%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
  3. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that calculate the efficiency of an algorithm.
  4. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
2172TASK: Describe the demand for parallel processing
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2171 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a current technology article relating to the limits of computing, the student will be able to describe the demand for parallel processing with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that describe the demand for parallel processing.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2173TASK: Illustrate the concept of parallel processing
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2172 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a current technology article relating to the limits of computing, the student will be able to illustrate the concept of parallel processing with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that illustrate the concept of parallel processing.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2174TASK: Recognize computationally intensive & hard problems
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2173 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a current technology article relating to the limits of computing, the student will be able to recognize computationally intensive & hard problems with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that recognize computationally intensive & hard problems.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2175TASK: Identify unsolvable problems for the computer
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2174 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a current technology article relating to the limits of computing, the student will be able to identify unsolvable problems for the computer with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that identify unsolvable problems for the computer.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2180TASK: Correct errors by making appropriate changes and rechecking the program to ensure that the desired results are produced
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed more than five (5) hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2179 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration, an Internet-based research exercise, or a list of acceptable principles within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively), the student will be able to correct errors by making appropriate changes and rechecking the program to ensure that the desired results are produced with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that correct errors by making appropriate changes and rechecking the program to ensure that the desired results are produced.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2181TASK: Conduct trial executions of programs & software applications to be sure they will produce the desired information and that the instructions are correct
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2180 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration, an Internet-based research exercise, or a list of acceptable principles within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively), the student will be able to conduct trial executions of programs & software applications to be sure they will produce the desired information and that the instructions are correct with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that conduct trial executions of programs & software applications to be sure they will produce the desired information and that the instructions are correct.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2182TASK: Compile and write documentation of program development and subsequent revisions, inserting comments in the coded instructions so others can understand the program
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2181 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration, an Internet-based research exercise, or a list of acceptable principles within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively), the student will be able to compile and write documentation of program development and subsequent revisions, inserting comments in the coded instructions so others can understand the program with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that compile and write documentation of program development and subsequent revisions, inserting comments in the coded instructions so others can understand the program.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2183TASK: Write, update, & maintain computer programs or software packages to handle specific jobs such as tracking inventory, storing or retrieving data, or controlling other equipment
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2182 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration, an Internet-based research exercise, or a list of acceptable principles within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively), the student will be able to write, update, & maintain computer programs or software packages to handle specific jobs such as tracking inventory, storing or retrieving data, or controlling other equipment with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that write, update, & maintain computer programs or software packages to handle specific jobs such as tracking inventory, storing or retrieving data, or controlling other equipment.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2184TASK: Consult with teachers, engineers, and technical personnel to clarify program intent, identify problems, and suggest changes
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2183 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration, an Internet-based research exercise, or a list of acceptable principles within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively), the student will be able to consult with teachers, engineers, and technical personnel to clarify program intent, identify problems, and suggest changes with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that consult with teachers, engineers, and technical personnel to clarify program intent, identify problems, and suggest changes.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2185TASK: Perform or direct revision, repair, or expansion of existing programs to increase operating efficiency or adapt to new requirements
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2184 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration, an Internet-based research exercise, or a list of acceptable principles within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively), the student will be able to perform or direct revision, repair, or expansion of existing programs to increase operating efficiency or adapt to new requirements with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that perform or direct revision, repair, or expansion of existing programs to increase operating efficiency or adapt to new requirements.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2186TASK: Write, analyze, review, and rewrite programs, using work-flow chart and diagram, and applying knowledge of computer capabilities, subject matter, and symbolic logic
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science discipline in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2185 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information technology discipline. Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration, an Internet-based research exercise, or a list of acceptable principles under the umbrella of a computer science discipline, the student will be able to write, analyze, review, and rewrite programs, using work-flow chart and diagram, and applying knowledge of computer capabilities, subject matter, and symbolic logic with one hundred percent (100%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
  3. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that write, analyze, review, and rewrite programs, using work-flow chart and diagram, and applying knowledge of computer capabilities, subject matter, and symbolic logic.
  4. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
2187TASK: Write or contribute to instructions or manuals to guide end users
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2186 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration, an Internet-based research exercise, or a list of acceptable principles within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively), the student will be able to write or contribute to instructions or manuals to guide end users with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that write or contribute to instructions or manuals to guide end users.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2188TASK: Investigate whether networks, workstations, the central processing unit of the system, or peripheral equipment are responding to a program's instructions
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2187 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Network & Computer Systems Administrators/Trainees (SOC 15-1142), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration, an Internet-based research exercise, or a list of acceptable principles within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively), the student will be able to investigate whether networks, workstations, the central processing unit of the system, or peripheral equipment are responding to a program's instructions with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE or school policy).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that investigate whether networks, workstations, the central processing unit of the system, or peripheral equipment are responding to a program's instructions.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2189TASK: Prepare detailed work-flow charts and diagrams that describe input, output, and logical operation, and convert them into a series of instructions coded in a computer language(s)
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science discipline in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2100 to 2188 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information technology discipline. Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration, an Internet-based research exercise, or a list of acceptable principles under the umbrella of a computer science discipline, the student will be able to prepare detailed work-flow charts and diagrams that describe input, output, and logical operation, and convert them into a series of instructions coded in a computer language(s) with one hundred percent (100%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
  3. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that prepare detailed work-flow charts and diagrams that describe input, output, and logical operation, and convert them into a series of instructions coded in a computer language(s).
  4. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/


TASK: Create algorithms utilizing control statements, functions, linear data structures, and file input/output operations

Prerequisite Tasks: Individually practiced tasks from 2101 to 2145 inclusive. Completed more than 20 hours of study within the computer science discipline relating to this task and to the subgroup immediately below. Student documented evidence of prior research including an interdisciplinary research project(s). Successfully completed all teacher assignments and projects including task numbers listed below. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a demonstration and lectures on fundamentals of programming, the student will be able to create algorithms utilizing control statements, functions, linear data structures, and file input/output operations with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that create algorithms utilizing control statements, functions, linear data structures, and file input/output operations.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2201TASK: Discuss the history of selected programming languages
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science discipline in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task number: 2200. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information technology discipline. Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given an introduction to computers and programming languages, the student will be able to discuss the history of selected programming languages with one hundred percent (100%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
  3. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that discuss the history of selected programming languages.
  4. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
2202TASK: Describe the program development life cycle (PDLC)
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science discipline in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 and 2201. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information technology discipline. Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given an introduction to computers and programming languages, the student will be able to describe the program development life cycle (PDLC) with one hundred percent (100%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
  3. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that describe the program development life cycle (PDLC).
  4. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
2203TASK: Write basic algorithms for console output
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2202 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given an introduction to computers and programming languages, the student will be able to write basic algorithms for console output with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that write basic algorithms for console output.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2204TASK: Develop algorithms using command-line tools on selected OSs
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2203 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given an introduction to computers and programming languages, the student will be able to develop algorithms using command-line tools on selected OSs with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that develop algorithms using command-line tools on selected OSs.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2205TASK: Solve practical problems logically
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2204 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given an introduction or demonstration on computational thinking, the student will be able to solve practical problems logically with eighty-five percent (85%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that solve practical problems logically.
  2. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  3. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
  4. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
2206TASK: Declare and use primitive variables to store data
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2205 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given an introduction or demonstration on computational thinking, the student will be able to declare and use primitive variables to store data with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that declare and use primitive variables to store data.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2207TASK: Write algorithms to perform simple calculations
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2206 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given an introduction or demonstration on computational thinking, the student will be able to write algorithms to perform simple calculations with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that write algorithms to perform simple calculations.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2208TASK: Practice commenting code, proper naming conventions, and correct programming style
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2207 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given an introduction or demonstration on computational thinking, the student will be able to practice commenting code, proper naming conventions, and correct programming style with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that practice commenting code, proper naming conventions, and correct programming style.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2209TASK: Debug code by identifying syntax errors, run-time errors, and semantic/logic errors
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2208 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given an introduction or demonstration on computational thinking, the student will be able to debug code by identifying syntax errors, run-time errors, and semantic/logic errors with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that debug code by identifying syntax errors, run-time errors, and semantic/logic errors.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2210TASK: Choose among two or more alternate execution paths within any algorithm
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed more than five (5) hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2209 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture or demonstration of algorithmic solutions implementing selection/branch statements, the student will be able to choose among two or more alternate execution paths within any algorithm with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that choose among two or more alternate execution paths within any algorithm.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2211TASK: Declare then use Boolean (bool) types
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2210 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture or demonstration of algorithmic solutions implementing selection/branch statements, the student will be able to declare then use Boolean (bool) types with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that declare then use Boolean (bool) types.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2212TASK: Write Boolean expressions using proper comparison operators
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2211 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture or demonstration of algorithmic solutions implementing selection/branch statements, the student will be able to write Boolean expressions using proper comparison operators with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that write Boolean expressions using proper comparison operators.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2213TASK: Combine conditions using logical operators and the rules governing operator precedence/associativity
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2212 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture or demonstration of algorithmic solutions implementing selection/branch statements, the student will be able to combine conditions using logical operators and the rules governing operator precedence/associativity with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that combine conditions using logical operators and the rules governing operator precedence/associativity.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2214TASK: Implement selection control using switch statements
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2213 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture or demonstration of algorithmic solutions implementing selection/branch statements, the student will be able to implement selection control using switch statements with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that implement selection control using switch statements.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2215TASK: Write and compile algorithms to accurately control the repeated execution of a block of statements
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2214 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given an introduction to loops and iterative processing, the student will be able to write and compile algorithms to accurately control the repeated execution of a block of statements with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that write and compile algorithms to accurately control the repeated execution of a block of statements.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2216TASK: Implement and control a loop with a user confirmation or sentinel values
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2215 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given an introduction to loops and iterative processing, the student will be able to implement and control a loop with a user confirmation or sentinel values with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that implement and control a loop with a user confirmation or sentinel values.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2217TASK: Write various loops using 'while', 'do-while', and 'for' statements
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2216 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given an introduction to loops and iterative processing, the student will be able to write various loops using 'while', 'do-while', and 'for' statements with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that write various loops using 'while', 'do-while', and 'for' statements.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2218TASK: Process and manage large input from a file using a loop
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2217 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given an introduction to loops and iterative processing, the student will be able to process and manage large input from a file using a loop with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that process and manage large input from a file using a loop.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2219TASK: Examine and trace nested loops
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2218 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given an introduction to loops and iterative processing, the student will be able to examine and trace nested loops with eighty-five percent (85%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that examine and trace nested loops.
  2. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  3. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
  4. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
2220TASK: Assemble a library of programmer defined functions for the purpose of modular algorithm development
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed more than five (5) hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2219 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given an introduction to basic functions, the student will be able to assemble a library of programmer defined functions for the purpose of modular algorithm development with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that assemble a library of programmer defined functions for the purpose of modular algorithm development.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2221TASK: Define functions that return a value and 'void' functions
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science discipline in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2220 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information technology discipline. Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given an introduction to basic functions, the student will be able to define functions that return a value and 'void' functions with one hundred percent (100%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
  3. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that define functions that return a value and 'void' functions.
  4. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
2222TASK: Declare & invoke functions with arguments as well as function overloading
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2221 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given an introduction to basic functions, the student will be able to declare & invoke functions with arguments as well as function overloading with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that declare & invoke functions with arguments as well as function overloading.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2223TASK: Implement function prototypes for function headers
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2222 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given an introduction to basic functions, the student will be able to implement function prototypes for function headers with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that implement function prototypes for function headers.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2224TASK: Create header files in order to reuse functions
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2223 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given an introduction to basic functions, the student will be able to create header files in order to reuse functions with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that create header files in order to reuse functions.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2225TASK: Design algorithms using function abstraction and step-wise refinement
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2224 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given an introduction to advanced function features, the student will be able to design algorithms using function abstraction and step-wise refinement with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that design algorithms using function abstraction and step-wise refinement.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2226TASK: Pass arguments to a function by value and by reference
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2225 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given an introduction to advanced function features, the student will be able to pass arguments to a function by value and by reference with eighty-five percent (85%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that pass arguments to a function by value and by reference.
  2. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  3. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
  4. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
2227TASK: Differentiate between pass-by-value and pass-by-reference
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2226 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given an introduction to advanced function features, the student will be able to differentiate between pass-by-value and pass-by-reference with eighty-five percent (85%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that differentiate between pass-by-value and pass-by-reference.
  2. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  3. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
  4. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
2228TASK: Determine the scope of local and global variables
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2227 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given an introduction to advanced function features, the student will be able to determine the scope of local and global variables with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that determine the scope of local and global variables.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2229TASK: Create functions with default arguments
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2228 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given an introduction to advanced function features, the student will be able to create functions with default arguments with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that create functions with default arguments.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2230TASK: Create a linear and sequential data structure or array(s) capable of storing a large number of values within an algorithm(s)
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed more than five (5) hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2229 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a fundamental review of linear arrays, the student will be able to create a linear and sequential data structure or array(s) capable of storing a large number of values within an algorithm(s) with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that create a linear and sequential data structure or array(s) capable of storing a large number of values within an algorithm(s).
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2231TASK: Declare an array within an algorithm(s) and describe the necessity while programming
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2230 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a fundamental review of linear arrays, the student will be able to declare an array within an algorithm(s) and describe the necessity while programming with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that declare an array within an algorithm(s) and describe the necessity while programming.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2232TASK: Initialize and index (via coding) individual elements within an array
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2231 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a fundamental review of linear arrays, the student will be able to initialize and index (via coding) individual elements within an array with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that initialize and index (via coding) individual elements within an array.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2233TASK: Develop and invoke functions with array arguments
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2232 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a fundamental review of linear arrays, the student will be able to develop and invoke functions with array arguments with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that develop and invoke functions with array arguments.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2234TASK: Search and sort array elements
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2233 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a fundamental review of linear arrays, the student will be able to search and sort array elements with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that search and sort array elements.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2235TASK: Create multidimensional arrays (tables, cubes, ...) capable of storing a large number of values within an algorithm(s)
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2234 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a fundamental analysis of multidimensional arrays, the student will be able to create multidimensional arrays (tables, cubes, ...) capable of storing a large number of values within an algorithm(s) with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that create multidimensional arrays (tables, cubes, ...) capable of storing a large number of values within an algorithm(s).
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2236TASK: Declare, initialize, and access elements within a two-dimensional array
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2235 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a fundamental analysis of multidimensional arrays, the student will be able to declare, initialize, and access elements within a two-dimensional array with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that declare, initialize, and access elements within a two-dimensional array.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2237TASK: Trace index variables within a loop and nested loop(s) as elements are referenced in a multidimensional array
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2236 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a fundamental analysis of multidimensional arrays, the student will be able to trace index variables within a loop and nested loop(s) as elements are referenced in a multidimensional array with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that trace index variables within a loop and nested loop(s) as elements are referenced in a multidimensional array.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2238TASK: Pass two-dimensional arrays to functions
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2237 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a fundamental analysis of multidimensional arrays, the student will be able to pass two-dimensional arrays to functions with eighty-five percent (85%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that pass two-dimensional arrays to functions.
  2. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  3. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
  4. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
2239TASK: Declare multidimensional arrays
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2238 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a fundamental analysis of multidimensional arrays, the student will be able to declare multidimensional arrays with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that declare multidimensional arrays.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2240TASK: Read & write data from variables and arrays (or from RAM) to a file
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed more than five (5) hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2239 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture or demonstration of file input and output, the student will be able to read & write data from variables and arrays (or from RAM) to a file with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that read & write data from variables and arrays (or from RAM) to a file.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2241TASK: Determine if a file exists
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2240 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture or demonstration of file input and output, the student will be able to determine if a file exists with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that determine if a file exists.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2242TASK: Test for the end of file marker
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2241 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture or demonstration of file input and output, the student will be able to test for the end of file marker with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that test for the end of file marker.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2243TASK: Write data in a specific format
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2242 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture or demonstration of file input and output, the student will be able to write data in a specific format with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that write data in a specific format.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2244TASK: Open a binary file for modification
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2243 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture or demonstration of file input and output, the student will be able to open a binary file for modification with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that open a binary file for modification.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2245TASK: Research then design data structures and flow of control required for implementing a substantial programming project
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2244 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration, an Internet-based research exercise, or a list of acceptable principles within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively), the student will be able to research then design data structures and flow of control required for implementing a substantial programming project with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that research then design data structures and flow of control required for implementing a substantial programming project.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2250TASK: Demonstrate program analysis and design
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed more than five (5) hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2249 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration, an Internet-based research exercise, or a list of acceptable principles within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively), the student will be able to demonstrate program analysis and design with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that demonstrate program analysis and design.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2251TASK: List the steps in a program development cycle
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science discipline in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2250 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information technology discipline. Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration, an Internet-based research exercise, or a list of acceptable principles under the umbrella of a computer science discipline, the student will be able to list the steps in a program development cycle with one hundred percent (100%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
  3. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that list the steps in a program development cycle.
  4. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
2252TASK: Interpret a problem statement and identify program requirements
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2251 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration, an Internet-based research exercise, or a list of acceptable principles within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively), the student will be able to interpret a problem statement and identify program requirements with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that interpret a problem statement and identify program requirements.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2253TASK: Use pseudo-code or a graphical representation to show the structure of a program or module
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2252 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration, an Internet-based research exercise, or a list of acceptable principles within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively), the student will be able to use pseudo-code or a graphical representation to show the structure of a program or module with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that use pseudo-code or a graphical representation to show the structure of a program or module.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2254TASK: Determine input and output
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2253 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration, an Internet-based research exercise, or a list of acceptable principles within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively), the student will be able to determine input and output with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that determine input and output.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2255TASK: Establish how input will be obtained
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2254 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration, an Internet-based research exercise, or a list of acceptable principles within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively), the student will be able to establish how input will be obtained with eighty-five percent (85%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that establish how input will be obtained.
  2. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  3. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
  4. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
2256TASK: Plan format for output
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2255 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration, an Internet-based research exercise, or a list of acceptable principles within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively), the student will be able to plan format for output with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that plan format for output.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2257TASK: Choose appropriate data structures
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2256 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration, an Internet-based research exercise, or a list of acceptable principles within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively), the student will be able to choose appropriate data structures with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that choose appropriate data structures.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2258TASK: Select or create algorithms to solve problems with a computer program
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2257 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration, an Internet-based research exercise, or a list of acceptable principles within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively), the student will be able to select or create algorithms to solve problems with a computer program with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that select or create algorithms to solve problems with a computer program.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2259TASK: Use stepwise refinement to improve design
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2258 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration, an Internet-based research exercise, or a list of acceptable principles within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively), the student will be able to use stepwise refinement to improve design with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that use stepwise refinement to improve design.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2260TASK: Develop a testing plan
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed more than five (5) hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2259 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration, an Internet-based research exercise, or a list of acceptable principles within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively), the student will be able to develop a testing plan with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that develop a testing plan.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2261TASK: Write documentation
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2200 to 2260 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration, an Internet-based research exercise, or a list of acceptable principles within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively), the student will be able to write documentation with eighty-five percent (85%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that write documentation.
  2. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  3. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
  4. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.


TASK: Use an editor to create and verify algorithms

Prerequisite Tasks: Individually practiced tasks from 2101 to 2145 inclusive. Completed more than 20 hours of study within the computer science discipline relating to this task and to the subgroup immediately below. Student documented evidence of prior research including an interdisciplinary research project(s). Successfully completed all teacher assignments and projects including task numbers listed below. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration, an Internet-based research exercise, or a list of acceptable principles within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively), the student will be able to use an editor to create and verify algorithms with eighty-five percent (85%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that use an editor to create and verify algorithms.
  2. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  3. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
  4. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
2301TASK: Enter and modify code using an IDE or text editor
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task number: 2300. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration, an Internet-based research exercise, or a list of acceptable principles within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively), the student will be able to enter and modify code using an IDE or text editor with eighty-five percent (85%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that enter and modify code using an IDE or text editor.
  2. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  3. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
  4. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
2302TASK: Compile and execute algorithms
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2300 and 2301. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration, an Internet-based research exercise, or a list of acceptable principles within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively), the student will be able to compile and execute algorithms with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that compile and execute algorithms.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2303TASK: Correct syntax errors
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2300 to 2302 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration, an Internet-based research exercise, or a list of acceptable principles within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively), the student will be able to correct syntax errors with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that correct syntax errors.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2304TASK: Follow established documentation standards
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science discipline in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2300 to 2303 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information technology discipline. Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration, an Internet-based research exercise, or a list of acceptable principles under the umbrella of a computer science discipline, the student will be able to follow established documentation standards with one hundred percent (100%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
  3. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that follow established documentation standards.
  4. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
2305TASK: Use recognized conventions for naming identifiers and formatting code
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2300 to 2304 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration, an Internet-based research exercise, or a list of acceptable principles within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively), the student will be able to use recognized conventions for naming identifiers and formatting code with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that use recognized conventions for naming identifiers and formatting code.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2306TASK: Employ debugging strategies to eliminate errors
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2300 to 2305 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration, an Internet-based research exercise, or a list of acceptable principles within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively), the student will be able to employ debugging strategies to eliminate errors with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that employ debugging strategies to eliminate errors.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2307TASK: Access program and language documentation
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science discipline in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2300 to 2306 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information technology discipline. Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration, an Internet-based research exercise, or a list of acceptable principles under the umbrella of a computer science discipline, the student will be able to access program and language documentation with one hundred percent (100%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
  3. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that access program and language documentation.
  4. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
2310TASK: Test and debug to verify program operation
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed more than five (5) hours of study within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2300 to 2309 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration, an Internet-based research exercise, or a list of acceptable principles within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively), the student will be able to test and debug to verify program operation with eighty-five percent (85%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that test and debug to verify program operation.
  2. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  3. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
  4. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
2311TASK: Test individual program modules
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2300 to 2310 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration, an Internet-based research exercise, or a list of acceptable principles within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively), the student will be able to test individual program modules with eighty-five percent (85%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that test individual program modules.
  2. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  3. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
  4. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
2312TASK: Identify boundary cases and generate appropriate test data
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science discipline in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2300 to 2311 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information technology discipline. Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration, an Internet-based research exercise, or a list of acceptable principles under the umbrella of a computer science discipline, the student will be able to identify boundary cases and generate appropriate test data with one hundred percent (100%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
  3. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that identify boundary cases and generate appropriate test data.
  4. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
2313TASK: Preform integration testing including tests within a program to protect execution from bad input or other run-time errors
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2300 to 2312 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration, an Internet-based research exercise, or a list of acceptable principles within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively), the student will be able to preform integration testing including tests within a program to protect execution from bad input or other run-time errors with eighty-five percent (85%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that preform integration testing including tests within a program to protect execution from bad input or other run-time errors.
  2. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  3. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
  4. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
2314TASK: Categorize, identify, and correct errors in code (syntax, logic, and run-time)
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2300 to 2313 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration, an Internet-based research exercise, or a list of acceptable principles within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively), the student will be able to categorize, identify, and correct errors in code (syntax, logic, and run-time) with eighty-five percent (85%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that categorize, identify, and correct errors in code (syntax, logic, and run-time).
  2. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  3. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
  4. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
2315TASK: Hand-trace code
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2300 to 2314 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration, an Internet-based research exercise, or a list of acceptable principles within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively), the student will be able to hand-trace code with eighty-five percent (85%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that hand-trace code.
  2. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  3. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
  4. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.


TASK: Write code to perform arithmetic calculations

Prerequisite Tasks: Individually practiced tasks from 2101 to 2145 inclusive. Completed more than 20 hours of study within the computer science discipline relating to this task and to the subgroup immediately below. Student documented evidence of prior research including an interdisciplinary research project(s). Successfully completed all teacher assignments and projects including task numbers listed below. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration, an Internet-based research exercise, or a list of acceptable principles within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively), the student will be able to write code to perform arithmetic calculations with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that write code to perform arithmetic calculations.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2401TASK: Identify and use arithmetic operators correctly applying the order of operations
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task number: 2400. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration, an Internet-based research exercise, or a list of acceptable principles within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively), the student will be able to identify and use arithmetic operators correctly applying the order of operations with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that identify and use arithmetic operators correctly applying the order of operations.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2402TASK: Interpret and construct mathematical formulas
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2400 and 2401. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration, an Internet-based research exercise, or a list of acceptable principles within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively), the student will be able to interpret and construct mathematical formulas with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that interpret and construct mathematical formulas.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2403TASK: Distinguish between integers and real numbers
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2400 to 2402 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration, an Internet-based research exercise, or a list of acceptable principles within the software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively), the student will be able to distinguish between integers and real numbers with eighty-five percent (85%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that distinguish between integers and real numbers.
  2. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  3. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
  4. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
2404TASK: Increment and decrement variables
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2400 to 2403 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration, an Internet-based research exercise, or a list of acceptable principles within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively), the student will be able to increment and decrement variables with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that increment and decrement variables.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2410TASK: Employ modularity in writing programs
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed more than five (5) hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2400 to 2409 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration, an Internet-based research exercise, or a list of acceptable principles within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively), the student will be able to employ modularity in writing programs with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that employ modularity in writing programs.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2411TASK: Call standard library functions
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science discipline in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2400 to 2410 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information technology discipline. Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration, an Internet-based research exercise, or a list of acceptable principles under the umbrella of a computer science discipline, the student will be able to call standard library functions with one hundred percent (100%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
  3. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that call standard library functions.
  4. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
2412TASK: Utilize parameters to pass data into program modules
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2400 to 2411 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration, an Internet-based research exercise, or a list of acceptable principles within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively), the student will be able to utilize parameters to pass data into program modules with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that utilize parameters to pass data into program modules.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2413TASK: Outline the scope of identifiers within a program and its modules
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2400 to 2412 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration, an Internet-based research exercise, or a list of acceptable principles within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively), the student will be able to outline the scope of identifiers within a program and its modules with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that outline the scope of identifiers within a program and its modules.
  3. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2414TASK: Code modules based on a top-down design
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2400 to 2413 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration, an Internet-based research exercise, or a list of acceptable principles within the computer science, software engineering, information systems, and information technology disciplines (respectively), the student will be able to code modules based on a top-down design with eighty percent (80%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1); Assembly Language for x86 Processors, Sixth Edition (NOOK Study eTextbook) (Level 4, ISBN-13: 978-0136022121); Beginning Game Programming (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0672326592); Game Coding Complete (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-1584506805); Killer Game Programming in Java (Supplement, ISBN-13: 978-0596007300).

Suggested Hyperlinks:
  1. Register and login to algorithmically solve problems located at following URL: http://ProjectEuler.net/
  2. Use Google's Safe-Search to find information and related articles that code modules based on a top-down design.
  3. Visit and carefully review the CIS.TCHS.INFO website.
  4. Locate and review similar tasks presented on SchoolTube.com.
2415TASK: Write and use modules that return values
Prerequisite Tasks: Completed several hours of study within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively) in support of this task. Prior cumulative research evidence by the student must include reference to the following task numbers: 2400 to 2414 inclusive. Additional tasks may apply.

Safety Factors: All classroom and student handbook policies apply to this task. Student will comply with established acceptable use policies regarding their personal computer at all times. No food or drink is allowed within the designated computer laboratory.
Practice DatesStudent Signature Purpose: Students who successfully complete this task will have a better understanding of the lifelong educational opportunities that exist within the college of Computer Science. Related career responsibilities for this task are also identified within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively). Graduate students that hold a bachelor's degree in computer science may explore the following careers related to this task (by degree):

Computer Programmers (SOC 15-1131), Software Application Developers (SOC 15-1132), Software System Developers (SOC 15-1133), Web Developers/Programmers (SOC 15-1134), Computer Systems Analysts (SOC 15-1121), Information Security Analysts (SOC 15-1122), Database Administrators/BCNF Practice (SOC 15-1141), Computer and Information Systems Managers/Trainees (SOC 11-3021), Computer Science Teachers/Exploratory (SOC 25-1021), and Computers and Information Research Scientists/Apprenticeship (SOC 15-1111)
Teacher Evaluation (Work-In-Progress at http://cistasks.tchs.info/cisLGuides.php)

Performance Objective (Draft): Given a lecture/demonstration, an Internet-based research exercise, or a list of acceptable principles within the information systems and information technology disciplines (respectively), the student will be able to write and use modules that return values with ninety percent (90%) accuracy based on the Association of Computing Machinery and the Computer Science Teacher Association (ACM/CSTA) academic standards including published standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Learning Activity: Read, review, and familiarize yourself with the resources and suggested hyperlinks presented for this task. Digitally research corresponding articles with Google's Safe-Search then utilize Dictionary.com to define all task related vocabulary terms. Additional information will be posted on the CIS.TCHS.INFO school website (under the subheading "Computer Programming") or on the SchoolTube.com website.

(Reviewed Monday December 9th, 2024)
Resources and Textbooks (Listed Chronologically): Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming (Primer, ISBN-13: 978-0471597254); Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Level 1, Free Online); Fundamentals of C++: Introductory Course (Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-0538695596); Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ (Levels 1 & 2, ISBN-13: 978-0534374808); Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (Level 2, ISBN-13: 978-0136080206); Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0321545886); Introduction to Programming with C++, Third Edition *Errata Required (Level 3, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1)